CiliaQ: a simple, open-source software for automated quantification of ciliary morphology and fluorescence in 2D, 3D, and 4D images
Hansen JN, Rassmann S, Stüven B, Jurisch-Yaksi N, Wachten D.
Eur Phys J E Soft Matter. 2021 Mar 8;44(2):18. doi: 10.1140/epje/s10189-021-00031-y.
SpermQ⁻A Simple Analysis Software to Comprehensively Study Flagellar Beating and Sperm Steering
Hansen JN, Rassmann S, Jikeli JF, Wachten D.
Cells. 2018 Dec 26;8(1):10. doi: 10.3390/cells8010010.
Multifocal imaging for precise, label-free tracking of fast biological processes in 3D
Hansen, JN, Gong, A, Wachten, D, Pascal, R, Turpin, A, Jikeli, JF, Kaup, UB, Alvarez, L
Nat Commun. 2021 Jul 28;12(1):4574. doi: 10.1038/s41467-021-24768-4